Monday, December 5, 2011

Fashion Illustration—Fall Session

Picasso's Bull Series 
I had the students study Picasso's bulls and take note of how he broke down the image, and how he took parts away each time. He simplified the image and brought it to a more abstract form. I then had them do the same thing with their fashion illustration. This is a great exercise in making decisions about what to minus from their image to bring it to an abstract form, yet also be able to recognize the original drawing/painting. Below are black and white and color versions.

Large Fashion Illustrations

Here I had the students first do a sketch from a magazine photo on 8.5'x11" paper. After they had a feel for the drawing they worked in conte crayons and pastels to bring the drawing to an almost life like size. We do a lot of practice drawing to learn proportions. We sketch the figure, either from mannequins, or pose for each other. These large pieces were done at the end of the eight week session, and showcase some of the skills the students learned throughout their class time.